Pegasus Featured Posts
Pegasus Wins Fees From 1000 Friends & Affirms Approval
Following our courtroom win in Oregon's Land Use Board of Appeals (LUBA), today we got payment for court fees from 1000 Friends of Oregon. It's not much - just $591 dollars for direct court fees - and much less than the amount we directly paid to our defense attorneys, but it is tangible proof of the frivolous nature of the lawsuit that fees were awarded at all.
Pegasus Wins for Third & Final Time against Frivolous Land-use appeal by 1000 Friends of Oregon
Pegasus has prevailed again in the third and final appeal by Friends of Douglas County against Pegasus’s approval. The Oregon Court of Appeals issued an order denying reconsideration of their decision, and affirmed the LUBA decision to uphold Douglas County's approval of Pegasus. Friends did not appeal to the Oregon Supreme Court.